DNS Settings for Domain Resolution

In This Article



Quick Self-Check When Domain Resolution Fails 

When domain resolution fails,  use the third-party tool DNS Checker to verify the DNS configuration with the following steps:

  1. Go to SmartPush > Deliverability > Brand domain management > Set up, complete the Domain Settings, and copy one DNS record under the Name (Host Name) column.


  1. Paste it on DNS Checker and select the corresponding type, and click Search.
  • If the status is shown as successful with a green checkmark, the DNS configuration is correct. Proceed to SmartPush for authentication after 3 hours.
  • If the status is shown as unsuccessful with a red cross, the DNS configuration is incorrect. Please continue reading this article for the troubleshooting section, or contact your domain provider's customer support for assistance.



Troubleshooting for Common Issues

When using domain providers like GoDaddy, you need to remove the primary domain from the Name (Host Name) column when adding DNS records.


How to remove the primary domain and add records

Take the domain “info.smartpushedm.com” for example, “smartpushedm.com” is the primary domain that needs to be removed:

Type Name (Host Name) Revision
CNAME zwcgzhc7iacdncbn5yvomav7n7ivldwj._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com zwcgzhc7iacdncbn5yvomav7n7ivldwj._domainkey.info
CNAME obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info
CNAME obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info
TXT edm.info.smartpushedm.com edm.info
MX edm.info.smartpushedm.com edm.info
TXT default._bimi.info.smartpushedm.com default._bimi.info
TXT _dmarc.info.smartpushedm.com _dmarc.info
TXT smartpush.info.smartpushedm.com smartpush.info


Why do I need to remove the primary domain?

Some providers automatically append the primary domain to any string you enter in the Name (Host Name) column. Therefore, you need to remove the primary domain to avoid duplication.

For example, if you intend to set your DNS record name as "_dmarc.smartpushedm.com", the domain provider will automatically append your primary domain, resulting in the actual record name becoming "_dmarc.smartpushedm.com.smartpushedm.com". This can lead to DNS resolution failures.


How can I tell if my domain provider requires removing the primary domain?

In most cases, domain providers like GoDaddy require removing the primary domain when adding records. If you're uncertain whether your provider follows this practice, check if it automatically appends the primary domain when adding records. If it does, ensure to remove the primary domain to prevent duplication. You can also contact your domain provider's customer support for confirmation.



Setup Guidelines from Common Domain Providers



Other Frequently Asked Questions

Why does domain resolution matter?

Domain name resolution involves adding SPF records, CNAME records, and other details in the domain's DNS settings to authenticate the sender's domain. These DNS records serve as proof of your domain ownership and control. 

To complete domain resolution, senders need to adjust specific settings at the backend panel of their domain providers. Typically, you can seek assistance from your company's IT or website developer to ensure these configurations are correctly set up.


How to set up DNS for domain resolution?

  1. Log in to your domain provider’s backend panel.
  2. Add the DNS record from SmartPush.
  3. Wait for DNS propagation to complete and proceed with authentication.

It usually takes up to 24 hours to propagate after DNS records are added. It is recommended to proceed with authentication after 24 hours. The actual propagation times may vary depending on your domain provider but should not exceed 72 hours.

If authentication fails after an extended period, please refer to the troubleshooting section in this article or contact the SmartPush team at info@smartpushedm.com for further assistance.


Do I need to set up DNS records again in SmartPush if I have done so in SHOPLINE/Shopify?

SmartPush operates the DNS records independently. Therefore, even if you have set up DNS records in SHOPLINE or Shopify, you must set them up separately in SmartPush.

  • For “Dmarc” record: Please modify it with the content provided by SmartPush instead of adding a new Dmarc record. Each domain can only have one Dmarc record. 
  • For other records: Add new records rather than modifying existing ones.


Do I need to authenticate all DNS records provided by SmartPush?

Yes. Starting in 2024, email providers have become stricter with domain authentication requirements. SmartPush provides comprehensive authentication to ensure the delivery quality.


What should I do if a previous domain shows as unsuccessful?

If a domain previously authenticated displays as unsuccessful with a red cross in the Authn results column, it indicates that changes made to the DNS records after the initial setup have caused the authentication to fail.

In this scenario, check if your domain has expired or if DNS records were accidentally deleted. After addressing these issues, delete the domain from SmartPush and reconfigure the domain resolution.


Is it necessary to use a real email for the sender's email address?

No, it's not necessary. You can enter any name you prefer, and the email address does not need to be a real email.


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