Video Block


Adding videos to marketing emails is beneficial for engaging with your customers and can effectively improve email click-through rates. With SmartPush, you can easily embed videos in your marketing emails and create a better customer experience.


This article will cover the following:

How to embed videos in emails

1. SmartPush supports embedding online videos from YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok in your emails. If your videos are stored on your devices, please upload them to social media platforms and get video URLs first.

2. In the email editor, drag the video block to the middle, input the video URL in the "Video" section on the right, and set the video thumbnail and play button style.

How to set thumbnails and play buttons for the embedded videos

  1. If you’re embedding a YouTube video, you can choose to “Auto-generate” the video thumbnail. Click Generate to get a static image or GIF thumbnail.
  2. If you’re embedding a non-YouTube video, please choose “Customize” and upload an image in JPEG, JPG, PNG, and GIF formats. It is advised that you upload images that are less than 200KB in size and have a maximum width of 600px.
  3. You can choose the style and color for the play button after setting up the thumbnail and preview it in the editor.
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