Gmail promotions tabs


SmartPush supports adding discount badges and carousels to the Gmail Promotions tab list. This allows you to showcase products and discount info, expiry dates, and more in the inbox list, making marketing emails more vivid and prominent and increasing the likelihood of being viewed and clicked by users with buying intentions.

This article will cover the following:

The information supported for display by the Gmail Promotions tab

  1. Logo - It will automatically sync with the brand logo you've set in domain management.
  2. Discount Description and Code - Displayed below the subject, automatically syncing with the discount settings to showcase discount info such as "code EMAIL 50."
  3. Discount Expiry Date - Display the expiry date of the promotion in the note, controlled by Gmail's display mechanism. Using this feature provides two entries for preview at the top of the email inbox: the first one is upon the initial send, and the other is within 3 days before the discount expires.

Please note that by enabling this feature does not necessarily guarantee that your notes will always be displayed in the Gmail Promotions tab. Gmail uses complex algorithms to determine the display of notes. Marketing factors include but are not limited to:

  1. Domain reputation
  2. Email nature: Workflow email cannot display promotions tabs.
  3. Display frequency

How to add promotions tabs to emails


  1. Enter the new email creation page and enable the powerful features of Gmail Promotions tabs in the settings.
  2. Upon switching on the "Leverage the powerful features of the Gmail Promotions tab" toggle, you can preview the diagram in the inbox preview, but the actual content sent is synchronized based on the information you set in the email body.
  • If you add a discount block to the email body, the discount conditions, discount code, and expiry time included in it will be synced to the Gmail Promotions tab without the need for additional setup.
  • If you wish to enable this feature for draft tasks, please review the email body again and save it.
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