Understanding AI Predictive Active Time in Automated Marketing


The new "AI Personalized Product Recommendations" feature in SmartPush emails achieves "matching different consumers with marketing products"; while the addition of "AI Predictive Active Time" solves the problem of "not knowing the optimal time to push" by analyzing the historical behavior preferences of each contact, thereby increasing task conversion rates.


In this article, you will learn about:


Use Cases of "AI Predictive Active Time"

AI Predictive Active Time is also based on the time configuration between the previous node and the next node, but unlike delay nodes: its waiting time configuration is the result of big data algorithms calculating based on the historical behavior preferences of each recipient, and it can continuously iterate based on changes in recipient active behavior.

Tasks will be divided into different message tasks based on each contact's active preference time, on an hourly basis.

In automated marketing, you can add an AI Predictive Active Time node before any email, SMS, or other message node. If you wish to use AI timing for sending in marketing campaigns, please refer to >>


Why Does the Platform Sometimes Remind Me of "Missing 'AI Predictive Active Time' Nodes"

You can independently add an AI Predictive Active Time node before any message node. However, if you need to use group triggers and want to trigger for existing contacts, then we recommend using an "AI Predictive Active Time" node together before sending emails containing "Personalized Product Recommendations."

Since AI Personalized Product Recommendations are based on results obtained from big data analysis of each contact's browsing, purchasing, and other behaviors, it takes some time to calculate and analyze. Once a scenario triggers a large number of contacts simultaneously, the calculation time required will affect your sending efficiency.

If you choose group triggers and want to trigger for existing contacts, and if there is an email containing personalized product recommendations configured in the automated flow, then before you enable this automated flow, SmartPush will check whether an AI Predictive Active Time node is added before this email. If you haven't added one yet, SmartPush will intelligently add this node before all emails containing personalized product recommendations in the flow.

In special cases, if you add nodes exceeding the limit of 50, SmartPush will not perform this check.

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