Email Editor:Style

The email editor supports an intuitive drag-and-drop editing interface that allows you to effortlessly create attractive marketing emails with zero coding experience.


The following are the keywords and instructions used in the Email Editor.



Enter the editor and select Style at the top left. You can adjust the background color. Click the eraser icon to reset the background color. Click the icons under “Border” to bound the background color within the mail body or expand the color to the sides.


Split section

The split section is the feature used in the editor to structure emails. It separates your content message and acts as a container for content blocks. 

Go to the “Block” tab, click the Split section button, and drag to the design area on the right to add or delete the split section. 

After entering the editor, the sample template will configure the header, body, and footer.

The header section is usually placed with the brand logo and email link. The body section corresponds to the content of the email. The footer section is generally filled with your social media channels, company information, unsubscribe instructions, copyright information, etc.

The footer Section will automatically include unsubscribe and entry content, which can not be modified. The content of this reminder will automatically switch to the corresponding language set by the store.

The following are ways to use the Split section:

  1. Add a new section:

Move the cursor to the design area you want to split, click the plus sign on the right, and you will find two field options - one with one column and one with two columns. There is no limit to the number of sections added to the email.


  1. Design section style:

Move the cursor to the design area until you see a shortcut bar at the top right. Click the pencil icon to select the background color and border.


  1. Move the section:

Move the cursor to the design area until you see a shortcut bar at the top right. Click the move icon to adjust the order of the content. Please note that the header and footer sections are not movable.


  1. Delete the section:

Move the mouse to the split section. Click the trash can icon in the shortcut action that pops up on the right to delete a section. Any previously added content (blocks or styles) will be removed. The deleted section cannot be undone. To help you avoid losing your previous content, you will be asked to confirm the deletion.



Unlike sections, elements are used to hold and display email content. You can use different elements like images, buttons, or text. Each content frame has different style options.

To add an element to your message, click on the element you want to use, then drag it into the message section. After editing the content and style, click Save in the upper right corner to save the edited email content.

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