DNS Settings for Domain Authentication

In this article, you’ll find:

1. How to set up DNS for domain authentication

2. What to do when domain authentication fails

3. Setup guidelines of each DNS providers


[Important] How to quickly check if the DNS records are configured correctly? 

Use the third-party tool (click to redirect) to verify the DNS configuration. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to SmartPush > [Deliverability] > [Set Up a Custom Brand Domain] and choose and copy the "Name" of one DNS record.

2. Enter the "Name" into the third-party tool, and ensure that the type of this value needs to match, such as CNAME in this case.
If the corresponding status is shown as successful (see below), then the DNS configuration is correct. After waiting for 3 hours, you can proceed to SmartPush for verification.


If the corresponding status in the image below is shown as unsuccessful, please refer to the follow-up content in this document for troubleshooting or directly contact the Customer Support of the platform where you purchased the domain (e.g. GoDaddy, Alibaba Cloud) for assistance.



1. How to set up DNS for domain authentication

You can add SPF, CNAME, or other records into your domain DNS record to complete the sending domain authentication. These DNS records can prove that you have control over the domain.


To complete the domain authentication, senders need to request certain settings modifications from their domain providers. You can ask for help from the company's IT, administrators, or website designers for this setup. Since this setup will only add extra information to your settings, you don’t have to worry about altering your overall setup.


Setup steps:

1. Log in to your domain or providers backstage.

2. Add the DNS information provided in SmartPush > Deliverability > Domain Authentication.


Below are the examples of DNS records. The domain address is info.smartpushedm.com

Type Name Value Priority Note
CNAME zwcgzhc7iacdncbn5yvomav7n7ivldwj._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com zwcgzhc7iacdncbn5yvomav7n7ivldwj.dkim.amazonses.com    
CNAME obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com    
CNAME obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com 45scwo6bvfxs3ky4nw2im76nzxiqofuz.dkim.amazonses.com    
TXT edm.info.smartpushedm.com v=spf1 include:amazonses.com ~all    
MX edm.info.smartpushedm.com feedback-smtp.ap-southeast-1.amazonses.com 10  
TXT default._bimi.info.smartpushedm.com v=BIMI1;l=https://sl-smartfile.oss-accelerate.aliyuncs.com/frontend/smart-push/product/1644486561340/1687780825628_fb9f1918.svg;a=   (Optional) This value will be available for those uploading a logo image in domain setup.
TXT _dmarc.info.smartpushedm.com v=DMARC1;p=quarantine;pct=100;rua=mailto:smartpush@shoplineapp.com;ruf=mailto:smartpush@shoplineapp.com;fo=1   This value is subject to the availability of logo image.
TXT smartpush.info.smartpushedm.com v=4c4733f132b7b105e3ba17e159d213fa    


The DNS format of some domain providers might vary. For example, you have to delete the main domain in the "Name" for Godaddy, Alibaba Cloud, and Cndns.

If you are unsure of which to delete, please contact your domain providers.


The modification examples are as follows:

Type Name Change to: 
CNAME zwcgzhc7iacdncbn5yvomav7n7ivldwj._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com zwcgzhc7iacdncbn5yvomav7n7ivldwj._domainkey.info
CNAME obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info
CNAME obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info.smartpushedm.com obewxtvzcvif6j2bxdchsubkwpbob64p._domainkey.info
TXT edm.info.smartpushedm.com edm.info
MX edm.info.smartpushedm.com edm.info
TXT default._bimi.info.smartpushedm.com default._bimi.info
TXT _dmarc.info.smartpushedm.com _dmarc.info
TXT smartpush.info.smartpushedm.com smartpush.info


* Why do you need to delete the main domain name from the end of your "Name" while setting up the DNS records for providers such as Godaddy, Alibaba Cloud, and Cndns?

Because these providers will automatically add the domain name to the end of your "Name".

For example:

The valid DNS record is _dmarc.smartpushedm.com. If you insert _dmarc.smartpushedm.com, the provider will automatically add the domain after your inserted one. The final record will then be _dmarc.smartpushedm.com.smartpushedm.com, which will result in invalid DNS authentication.


3. Once you have added the records, please wait until your DNS is propagated before proceeding to authentication.

  1. It usually takes approximately 24 hours for the DNS to be propagated. It is recommended to authenticate the domain after 24 hours. While the propagation time is subject to each provider, it should be less than 72 hours. If you are still unable to authenticate your domain, please refer to the troubleshooting guide down below, or contact the SmartPush team via info@smartpushedm for further assistance.
  2. If you would like to authenticate your domain after uploading a logo and generating DNS records, please don’t do so in SmartPush > Deliverability. Uploading a new logo may alter the DNS records and cause the DNS to be become invalid. To safely authenticate you domain, please go to Settings > Sender Domain > Manage domain > Custom Brand Domain List and click Continue to authenticate.


2. What to do when domain authentication fails?

1. Check whether your DNS information is entered correctly

2. Make sure your domain sending address is identical to the address in the domain providers.

3. After completing the DNS records, please wait at least 24 hours or no more than 72 hours.

4. If you are using Godaddy, Alibaba Cloud, or Cndns as your domain provider, you need to delete the main domain in the "Name". For example:

edm.info.smartpushedm.com >> edm.info

edm.smartpushedm.com >> edm

smartpushedm.com >> @

If you are unsure of which to delete, please contact your domain providers.

5. Should the problem persist, please contact the SmartPush team via info@smartpushedm.com for further assistance.


3. Setup Guidelines of each DNS providers

Alibaba Cloud https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/29725.html?spm=a2c4g.11186631.2.1.66cf5b00WFhkWt

Godaddy https://uk.godaddy.com/help/add-a-cname-record-19236

Cndns https://www.cndns.com/help/help_con.aspx?hid=224

Tencent Cloud https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/302/5518
Baidu Cloud https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/BCD/index.html#.E5.9F.9F.E5.90.8D.E8.A7.A3.E6.9E.90

AWS https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/ResourceRecordTypes.html

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