Why does my email get clipped by Gmail?

Recently, we have received the following questions from many merchants. Why are some of my emails partially hidden by Gmail (as shown in the image below), and how can I resolve this?



In this article, you can find the reasons for email being clipped and how to avoid it.

  • The reasons for Gmail emails being partially hidden
  • Solutions to avoid Gmail emails being partially hidden


1. The reasons for Gmail emails being partially hidden

Gmail automatically clips emails equal to or larger than 102 KB, displaying the reminder "[Email clipped] View entire message" and requiring a click to view the complete email content. This also disrupts SmartPush tracking email open rates, affecting the accurate measurement of actual open data.


2. Solutions to avoid Gmail emails being partially hidden

i. Perform comparative testing

By downloading emails through Gmail, it is possible to roughly assess the size of the email content and the difference from the 102KB threshold. Conduct multiple comparative tests to strike a balance between presenting more email content and avoiding being clipped by Gmail.



ii. Change the email subject to avoid being merged

Gmail typically merges emails with the same subject line into a single email in the inbox. If you send multiple test emails for the same ad campaign, they may be merged into one, resulting in an excessively large email, which Gmail will clip. Therefore, when conducting tests, modify the email subject to prevent the email from being merged into a large one and being clipped.


iii. Remove any unnecessary content

A.  Delete additional code created when copying and pasting content.

If you paste content from external sources, such as blogs or word processors, additional hidden formatting code may be added to the base code of the ad campaign. To avoid adding these extra codes, use the "Paste as plain text" option when adding content to the ad campaign. Simply put, you can choose to copy the content into a text document first and then copy it into the email content. This process will automatically remove unnecessary extra code for you.

B. When resizing particularly large images, be aware that it does not reduce the overall size of the email.

The size of an email is based on the total number of bytes in the email's code. Since images are loaded into the email from external sources (such as from our server), the size of the images does not directly impact the size of the email. However, removing unnecessary images from the ad campaign will eliminate their associated code, thereby reducing the message size.

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